The venerable Grand Master Shi Yong Xin is the 30th abbot of the Shaolin Temple.
On 19 August 1999 a meeting was held to introduce the monk Shi Yong Xin in the hall of the abbots. Upon completion of a two-day ceremony, honorary deputy abbot Shi Su Xi, was acquitted of the room and the master Shi Yong Xin took his new position.
Shi Yong Xin is a monk of his childhood and is estimated as one of the greatest Buddhist scholars with a high level knowledge of Chan.
Achieved from 1999 to present an incredible work for the temple. The renovation of the hall Dharma, the tower and the bell tower of the drums are among them. He has also published several books on Buddhist philosophy and publicly issued a magazine, "Raindrops Zen." Shi Yong Xin is also the president of the Buddhist Association of Henan province and representative conference of the Chinese people.
The foundation of Shaolin social development is another one of the great achievements, as also is the foundation of painting and calligraphy for which Shaolin is also famous.
The deeper concern abbot Shi Yong Xin is that Shaolin Kung Fu now has alienated as a standard sport. When founded in 1928 by the National school of martial arts in China, introduced martial arts in athletic competitions worldwide, modified to suit the western logic and competitive with similar rules. In 1959, he became an official event of martial arts known as the first National Athletic Games. He later accepted the Asian Games in 1990 as a new form of racing. To achieve this integration were fully standardized.
In this process of standardization,Shaolin Kung Fu who practiced outside the temple has undergone dramatic changes. The initial emphasis of Sao Lin Kung Fu located in exercises designed to improve the health of internal organs, exercises which have now been replaced by stunts and dance moves. Such systems are popular in martial arts, as the ultimate goal is quite simply the gold medal or marketability through the performing arts. This does not represent the spirit of Shaolin.
Abbot emphasized that Shaolin Kung Fu is different from other Chinese martial arts. Shaolin Kung Fu is a Buddhist practice to purify the soul and the formation of character. Both the study of ancient texts and the skill in martial arts, Buddhist practices that act diligently in the temple. There are 445 forms of martial arts Shaolin, designed and perfected in accordance with the rules combative behavior toward potential rival actions. These styles blend with the traditional Chinese philosophy of Yin - Yang for natural harmony.
One of the greatest achievements of the abbot of the Shaolin Temple, Shi Yong Xin is the emergence of the temple as a place of Shaolin protecting world heritage by UNESCO (UNESCO).
The abbot Shi Yong Xin is a pioneer in promoting the spirit Shaolin abroad, allowing opening temples in America, England and Germany, and also official opening schools Shaolin Kung Fu combatant monks by envoys worldwide.

Among multipart activities are the foundation of the Shaolin European Assocciation (SEA) that was founded in Vienna on September 1, 2010 and he is chairman of this. The Shaolin European Assocciation leads the promotion and dissemination of authentic Shaolin culture in Europe and is headquartered in Berlin. Its members are recognized and approved by the same central Shaolin Shaolin Temple in China.
The "Shaolin Temple Secular Disciple's Union" is in accordance with the abbot orders and also is a member of the "Shaolin European Assocciation (SEA) from 2011.
Check the official web site